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Our Services

High quality accounting management – is a subject that inevitably arises in front of each leader of a modern enterprise, because should have clear and reliable information about the financial condition of the company for making strategic decisions.

According to the paragraph 2 of article 8 of the Law of Ukraine № 996-XIV of 16.07.1999 "About Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" the chief of the company may transfer accounting maintenance to service organization on a contract basis.

Accounting maintenance by the third party reduces to a simple formula: focus all resources on the kind of activity that is the main for your company, and send the rest (supporting, related) to a reliable and professional partner.

As regards taxation, it is a matter which sometimes a lot of management and accounting staff pay not enough attention. However, its implementation is mandatory for all legal entities registered in the territory of Ukraine.

Audit Consulting Company "International Standard" provides services in accounting and taxation.

Accounting maintenance in the company includes:

  • Development and implementation of enterprise accounting methodology in accordance with the National Accounting Regulations (Standards);
  • Restoration and maintenance of accounting records;
  • Accounting information about assets, liabilities and organization of their motion in monetary terms on the basis of primary accounting documents of the organization;
  • Systematization of primary accounting documents;
  • Composing consolidated accounting registers;
  • Calculation of tax base according to the legislation of Ukraine and calculation of tax amounts based on current rates;
  • Preparation of accounting and tax reporting;
  • Protection of client’s interests in tax, statistical authorities, off-budget Social Funds;
  • Providing explanations and methodological advisory on tax legislation;
  • Preparation of tax reporting and tax returns;
  • Development and implementation of tax planning;
  • Representation of clients in tax and other regulatory authorities.

Accounting of clients is on a licensed accounting program "1C: Enterprise 8.2", which allows covering fully all kinds of records and promptly preparing financial and tax reporting.

/ Tax Guide /

Here you can find the official information about the order of payment of taxes in Ukraine.

Contact us

+38 044 383-31-91; +38 067 145-55-22
office 34, 12 Velyka Zhytomyrska Street, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine


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