Tax Due Diligence – is an analysis of all tax aspects of business, including an estimation of the current tax burden, major tax charges for the accounts and relations with the tax authorities. There are to be estimated During Tax Due Diligence: accordance the amounts and terms of tax Charging to the requirements of the tax legislation; the risks carried out in relation to the payment of payroll taxes and taxes to the Social Security Funds. Tax analysis can be carried out both in relation to specific business situations (eg, in the financial section of the Due Diligence), and take a more general form of tax advice. In both cases, the most important result of the Tax Due Diligence is the customer’s complete knowledge of the existing tax risks and awareness of decision-making in the context of tax law.
The Company “International Standard” offers the following services as part of the Tax Due Diligence:
- Testing of the tax accounting in the enterprise;
- An analysis of the key agreements on their compliance with the tax legislation of Ukraine;
- An analysis of the contracts with non-residents;
- An analysis of the tax issues in the company’s activities with contractors;
- Verification of the transactions with related parties;
- Verification of the transactions regarding the transfer pricing;
- An analysis of displaing the atypical transactions in the tax records;
- The risks of the additional tax liabilities;
- An analysis of the correctness of calculation and payment of taxes and fees.