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Our Services

The business plan for your company:

  • It is a long-term planning for 3-5 years in advance;
  • It is needed to justify the investment and attract investors, the use of different types of funding, recruitment of qualified managerial and technical staff, setting priorities for the expansion of production;
  • Is used to justify actions to improve and develop the organizational and production structure of the firm, particularly, to justify the level of centralization and responsibility;
  • Is used when searching for investors, lenders, sponsorship investments.

Among the many businessmen there is a perception that the business plan should always be on the “pattern”, according to some procedure. In principle, there isn’t any difference in the choice of methodology for business plans. The main thing is to develop the document that has the required paragraphs (executive summary, marketing, production, investment, financial) that addresses specific aspects; initial information and the declared results are valid, reasonable and based on documentary sources and thorough calculations.

Proper and qualified drawing up a business plan in accordance with the international standards requires the involvement of skilled professionals into the process.

You can order the following consulting services provided by the Company:

  • Forensic of specific issues and building Data Room;
  • Assessment of the state of internal controls;
  • Development and implementation of plans and projects related to enterprise development;
  • Independent analysis of the customer performance, with the subsequent development and implementation a complex of actions that contribute to increase the efficiency of economic activity;
  • Services for business planning, investment projects development.

/ Tax Guide /

Here you can find the official information about the order of payment of taxes in Ukraine.

Contact us

+38 044 383-31-91; +38 067 145-55-22
office 34, 12 Velyka Zhytomyrska Street, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine


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